Hello, hello, hello! It's probably been about a month or so since I've updated this, and came across the deal of the day. Here it is. I'm looking for anyone who is willing to work hard (or hardly work, which ever works best for you) that is looking to make some extra money. That's right... you heard me correctly. You can make some extra $$ and who doesn't need that at this time of year? I know I do.
So... how can you make that money you ask??? It's pretty easy. All you need to do is become a consultant. "A consultant? A consultant for what?" you ask. That's right, a Consultant. You can sign up to be a consultant for Mobu's Home Party division. You make 30% of anything you sell. Not too shabby right? The way it works is, you (or someone you know) hosts a mobu party, where the products are laid out and displayed for viewing. The consultant informs the party-goers about the benefits of using MOBU products, and then they allow the party-goers to purchase anything they like. The order is then submitted and shipped to the host/hostess who then delivers the products to the customers. Pretty easy right? Most parties only take about 1-1 1/2 hours. There is ample training to help the consultants learn the "ropes" and if they come across a question that they're stumped on, they can always call and ask.
So what do you say??? You game? Working parttime, consultants have been known to make 3-500 in a month. Yeah, that's not a lot when compared to working a full time job, but if you think of it, these consultants also only worked maybe a total of 20 hours the whole month on that... that's averaging between $15-$25 an hour. Who wouldn't like that???
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part! If you sign up, and also sign up someone under you, you get 5% of anything they sell, without doing anything. If that person also signs up someone, you get 1% of what they sell. Nice huh?
If you are interested, let me know! Email me @ jenniferb@mobuherbals.com, and I'll get you started!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Saturday Score
I've posted on a few pages, that I went shopping yesterday, went yardsale-ing, and thrift store shopping. Made out like a bandit! It was totally awesome! Now, I do have a couple of issues though, so even though I didn't pay much, there are things about my new purchases that, well, just aren't quite right.
The next purchase I found was at a local thrift store. I was actually looking for VCR'S so my kids would each have their own, and not have to use my TV to watch tapes, but alas, no such luck. Oh well. That was when I found my bread machine. The tag on the machine said $5.00. It's a magic chef bread maker. When I got to the counter to purchase it, the sales lady informed me that yesterday was $1.00 small appliance day, so, even though it was an awesome steal for $5.00, I was actually saving myself $4.00! AWESOME! The final question was, would this awesomely priced machine actually work or did i just waste a buck. I would soon find out the answer.
I was so very excited that at 9pm last night, I almost baked my 1st loaf of bread in it, but alas, we had a lightening storm, and I was not able to find a basic breadmachine white bread recipe. Unbelievable huh? lol. So, the anticipation of having to wait just continued to build. This morning I decided to check out bettycrocker.com, and look at her recipes since I use to have a Betty Crocker cookbook, and had found a recipe to use in it on my mom's machine. YEE HAW! I found a recipe! This one was actually to have the machine kneed the dough and stuff, then you would have to make rolls, but well, today, I'm being lazy. So, instead of following the recipe and making the rolls, I decided to just let the machine do all the work. Besides, I really did need to find out if this awesome purchase worked completely or not. So I loaded the bucket with all the ingredients, and turned it on... whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the sound of the little paddle spinning was music to my ears. YAY! If nothing else, the machine would be able to kneed my bread for me. no more store bought bread for me! I realized that in my recent move, I still hadn't brought over all my dried goods, so while the machine did it's business, I quickly went to my old house, and picked up a load of food, and other stuff, so I can cook dinner (more details are on the cooking page). When I arrived back home, I was very excited to be welcomed with the aroma of baking bread. Yes, my bread machine works! When the timmer finally hit 0:00, I excitedly opened the lid, and saw one of the most beautiful loafs of bread. Ahhh, so yummy! This is when I came to the realization, the bucket did not have a handle on it! Silently cursing this fact, I grabbed a hot pad, to take the bucket out, but it was too big, then I had the bright idea of using my hand mixer beaters, and it worked... not well, but it worked enough that I was able to pull the hot bucket out. the next issue came trying to figure out how to dump the bread out of the bucket. LOL. After a little pulling and pushing, I was finally able to get the bucket to release my beautiful loaf. I cut into it, and mmmm, so wonderful! Fresh hot bread, slathered with butter (almost put honey on it, but wanted a slice with out first.) As I was looking to find pictures of this wonderful machine, I finally found an online copy of the user manuel, so it is now saved to my computer for future reference. As I tipped the machine over to get the model number, lo and behold, I found the handle for the bucket! YAY! Now I do not have to finagle any longer!
I found and awesome bargain on a TV/DVD combo for $30.00. I had them play a movie to make sure it worked, and it did. Awesome! I was so excited! I got the TV home, and set up, and lo and behold, it won't pay any DVD'S. Why? I have no idea! quite annoying. I'm hoping that it just might need to be cleaned, so I'm holding off on purchasing a new dvd player until I know forsure. so, that was a major bummer. But the rest of the TV is fine, great color, great sound. So if nothing else, my son now has a decent sized TV to watch or play games on.

Another purchase I found at that Thrift store was an Ice cream machine. Ok, I know you all are thinking of the big bulky ones, that usually have a hand crank, where the user about kills him/herself for an hour or more trying to get the stupid stuff to freeze; having to buy bags and bags of ice, and rock salt, to freeze the ice cream. All this work for just a minute return on the investment... aka, ice cream. Nope, not this Ice Cream maker! This is the Cordless electric Ice cream maker by Ronco. It makes 1 1/2 quarts of ice cream. It is powered by batteries, and placed in the freezer, and in 20 minutes, you get your reward of yummy Ice Cream! Sounds too good to be true right? Well we'll see. I haven't tried it out just yet. I'll probably do that this weekend. But if it works well, hasta la vista Ben & Jerry's and Cold Cream! I will forever be a member of the Single Mom's Ice Cream Club!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Walmart specials
Ok, so I'm sure many of you have a love/hate relationship with Walmart. We walk into the store for 1 item, walk out with $150 worth of stuff that really wasn't needed. I'm sure I'm not the only person to do this. Well, I guess what I have to say isn't going to help matters. Walmart has their annual back to school sale happening now, well, actually I think it already happened, and we are now at the clearance phase. This is always my favorite part of the sales. I just purchased a 12 piece dining set for an unbelievable price. The price for a 4-piece in the set is only $1.50! Yes, that's right! $1.50! They have the dining sets in 4 colors, orange, red/pinkish, green, and blue. I bought 1 4-piece in each color except blue because they were out of blue. :( So the grand total that I spent on plates, bowls, and cups, came to $13.50. An unbelievable price! Now I do have to admit, that these dishes are plastic, but with 2 small kids, plastic is always a good thing!
I also scored an awesome deal with bedding. I bought both of my kids new comforters and sheet sets - for twin beds -, and spent less than $25 for each set, and I bought myself a new set of sheets, since I didn't have any sheets that matched the new bedding I purchased at Christmas time. My sheets were $12.00, I believe, for a queen.
I also stocked up on school supplies, since crayons and pencils always seem to disappear. Hopefully these will actually stay where I put them.
Check out the awesome deals... you won't regret it (but your pocket book just might!)
I also scored an awesome deal with bedding. I bought both of my kids new comforters and sheet sets - for twin beds -, and spent less than $25 for each set, and I bought myself a new set of sheets, since I didn't have any sheets that matched the new bedding I purchased at Christmas time. My sheets were $12.00, I believe, for a queen.
I also stocked up on school supplies, since crayons and pencils always seem to disappear. Hopefully these will actually stay where I put them.
Check out the awesome deals... you won't regret it (but your pocket book just might!)
Monday, August 9, 2010
What to do for bug bites
Yes, it is that time of year, Monsoon season when all the little creepy crawlers decide it's time to invade your home, and attack anything living. Yup, you guessed it, I'm talking about mesquitos. Over the last couple of days, I have gotten two mesquito bites on my arms, and my son has a bite on his arm. We were all told as children not to scratch otherwise it will make the bites worse, but how can you stop scratching when the irritation that comes from the bites gets so strong that it's going to drive you insane! Enter Stage right... Mobu Herbal products! There is a God!

I've found for my bug bites, that a combination of products is needed to keep the itches at bay. The first product that I use is X-tracting Herb-dicinal Balm. This balm pulls the poision out with just a small amount applied to the affected area.
The other balm that I personally need is A.M. Pain Herb-dicinal Balm. This balm takes the pain associated with the bite away. There is also a P.M. Pain Herb-dicinal Balm that is wonderful for night time use.
I've used both of these products on various ailments, and they work wonders and are reasonably priced selling for $22.95 for the X-tracting and $16.95 for the A.M. Pain. That's a great price normally, but this month only Mobu is offering a BOGO! By purchasing the X-tracting, you can get the A.M. for free, which makes the cost less than $11.50 per item. Now it might seem like a lot for a 2oz can but a little goes a very long way. Give them a call, or an email. Their staff is very knowledgeable and very friendly.
You can reach them four different ways:
You can reach them four different ways:
By calling them directly. The toll-free telephone number is 877-396-MOBU (6628)
By email - info@mobuherbals.com
Or by Fax - 928-428-9698
Give them a try, you won't regret it!
It's that time again!
That time of the year has now reached us, that many parents wish would just disappear. With as much happiness and joy as this part of the year can bring, it can also bring a lot of headaches, pain, and broken wallets. Yes, that's right, it is time for school to begin. I personally have always loved the beginning of a new school year. It has always held excitment for me, and shortly after school starts, comes Halloween; the holiday that brings candy by the bucketfulls. Then Thanksgiving with all the wonderful sidedishes and heartburn, and finally Christmas. Yes, fall and winter have always been my favorite time of year, and since becoming a mom, I have enjoyed this time of year even more, but I also have dreaded it. IT'S EXPENSIVE! lol. My plan is to provide ways to shop without breaking the bank. Wish me luck!
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